45 Spirit of The Union | روح_الاتحاد

45 Spirit of The Union | روح_الاتحاد

45 Spirit of The Union | روح_الاتحاد

What is animation?

45 Spirit of The UnionThe literal translation of “multimedia” is “various ways of portraying the data.” Animation is a subset of these multiple formats or one of them, even if the term “multimedia” refers to a range of formats.

45 Spirit of The UnionThe term “animation” refers to a wide range of various moving graphic video formats. Animation is characterized by multiple frames and visuals emerging in series to produce a moving video, from to, and everything in between.

45 Spirit of The UnionWithout even realizing it, you’ve probably seen a lot of animations. From children’s cartoons to educational videos and commercials, animations are everywhere. For good reason too—they’re enjoyable, captivating, striking, and memorable! View a sample of different animations made by our creative team.

Animation is a medium where photos or objects are transformed so they appear to be moving. As simple as that.

The aim of 3D animation is to produce realistic, vibrant, and detailed digital scenes. To achieve an engaging result, the characters, items, and settings must all be properly examined. Particularly in interactive works where the player controls the camera position, every element of a scene needs to be created. In the end, 3D animations tell stories in a variety of forms.

45 Spirit of The UnionMotion graphics is used to present information in an interesting and memorable way. Many individuals will rapidly forget the details presented in news reports and social media posts if there is no movement, sound, or color. While motion graphics can be amusing, it would be more correct to describe them as exciting. Just long enough for the topic of conversation to be grasped, they capture the viewer’s interest. Even while 3D cartoons can have lengths comparable to full-length movies, most motion graphics compositions are fairly modest in size.

45 Spirit of The Union